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Monday, July 4, 2011

The Libertarian View

On this 4th of July, it is appropriate to give thought about our liberties and freedoms. There is a libertarian viewpoint that is subscribed to by Michelle Bachmann, Ron Paul and the Tea partyers that proclaims that Government is too big and has no business being in our lives to the degree that it is. An extremist libertarian would say that the only role for Government is to defend us. The people should be free of any other Government interference. About three years ago, on Hardball, Michelle Bachmann the darling of the tea party, suggested that the American people would like to investigate members of Congress who preach opposition to the Bush Wars. How can this lightweight preach a libertarian viewpoint while asking for investigations by the Government on those who oppose its leaders? Isn't this a contradiction? Sure is. I don't want this post to be about Bachmann who after solid showings next year in Iowa and South Carolina will fade like seat cushions in the sun. However, she is campaigning with tea party fanaticism on this easy to understand notion that small Government is better government. Therefore, I call on all such Americans who buy into this cliche to accept the following: No Medicare, no warning labels on cigarettes, no controls on our banks, no government regulated processes for food safety, allowing trans-fatty killers back in our foods, no minimum wage, no testing of drugs prior to them reaching our pharmacies, no child safety requirements on toys, putting lead back in our paint, leaded gasoline back in our tanks and no standards for education nor a requirement for going to school. You get my drift? All Government can do is make expensive weapons and fight wars in the name of defending us. This is the tea party plan. The sad thing is that many Americans do not even realize that this is what they really stand for if they are true to their stated values. One outcome would be we would all die younger, reducing the long term costs of health care. This is a great plan. Happy 4th. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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