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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blood Libel

The term blood libel has entered the American vernacular on a national scale yesterday as a result of Sarah Palin responding to her critics. It took a few days for the makers of that clip to write it, edit it and teach it to our latest diva. To suggest, however, that Mrs. Palin didn't understand its meaning is as ignorant as she. Perhaps at the outset of her speech she did not, but when explained to her by her advisors, she knew exactly that it would create a media firestorm and keep her in the news. This is her only goal. To be in the news. Sarah Palin knows her constituency. They are 2nd amendment fanatics, race baiters, haters of the educational elite, unconcerned with global realities in the face of a complicated world and anti-immigrant. For this base, the words blood libel result in dialogue that makes their heroine seem the victim so they rally around her, strengthen their support and maintain their loyalty. Whereas this constituency in and of itself is not enough for national electability, it is enough to keep the Palin name on the front pages while earning her heaps of money. As a Jewish American, I am proud of my heritage. I am not one who follows all the rules and all the guidelines of my faith, but I have a deep rooted need for its principles and its guidance. As most Jewish boys do, I attended Hebrew school. For any Jew, who has had some traditional historical Jewish education, the words blood libel run deep in their anti-semitic meaning and hurt Jews more than any other group. No matter what Mrs. Palin's agenda, and I think we know what it is, perhaps she could have chosen words that could rally her troops without insulting others. There are many metaphors for guns, blood and lying that could also be crafted into her political dialogue and self serving strategies. Blood libel is an unfortunate one to use and hopefuly she will be eventually cast aside as the irrelevant, hateful, publicity hounding ignoramous that she is. Where are you Americans for reason and truth. Great speech Mr. President....you are a true leader.

1 comment:

  1. Teacher, I like reading your comments, they have
    a way of inspiring me to think and use what little bit of "gray" matter I have remaining.
    you are sooooooooo smart that "chills run up"
    my leg each time I read one. I especially like
    your explanation of how the "followers" of Sarah
    Palin are "2nd amendment fanatics(although I do love the constitution),race baiters,haters of
    the educational elite,('golly gee!' Elite? that's you.)and anti-immigrant." Teacher, I'm
    in a quandary, the people you described would
    fall into the category of "Beer guzzling,wife
    beating,tobacco chomping inbreds" that comprise the unintelligent wing of the Democrat party. There may be a little jest in my descriptions but those that know,know you are as full of
    "B.S." as an "impacted pachyderm." I also have a problem with you categorizing Palin as anti-semitic . You claim to be Jewish with
    extensive knowledge of your faith. You imply that you are a well informed person, if that be the case you should know Sarah Palins' faith is Evangelical Christian. They believe in Genesis twelve three. "I will bless them that bless thee and I will curse them that curseth thee." You will never get a fundamental evangelical to lift a hand against "Gods chosen" They believe to do so is to incur Gods displeasure.

