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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Your wasted vote.

I always teach my students when we discuss the issue of citizen advocacy, that one's vote is never wasted. That it is your civic duty and responsibility to vote because apathy leads to the government only listening to those who express themselves at the polls. But, between you and me, this may be pure poppycock. If you believe your vote to reduce the deficit and to restore America counted by voting in Republicans two weeks ago, you were sadly mistaken and should get even more angry than you were then. Since that time, Republicans have called for tax breaks for the wealthiest among us which will raise the deficit by 700 billion and yesterday there were calls for an increase of 15 billion more to expand our nuclear arsenal. Today, President Obama was again derailed by another Republican, Senator Jon Kyl, who single handedly killed any chances of mutual reduction in nuclear arms between Russia and the US. You voted for increasing nuclear danger and tax breaks for the rich. There's a plan. Americans,,,,we blew it big time. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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