Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Election Day
In the current issues of "New York Magazine" and "The Economist", the lead articles are all about the angry voter. So as I prepare to vote today, I am wondering why so many are so angry. Are they angry because 4 million additional chidren got health insurance? Are they angry because 30 million additional Americans can now as well be insured? Are they angry because no longer can a pre-existing condition keep you from being covered? Are they angry because legislation was passed that guarantees women, equal pay for equal work? Are they angry because the auto industry in America has been saved? Are they angry because their Federal taxes actually declined in the past two years? Are they angry because they are now protected from abusive credit card practices? Are they angry because the financial institutions of this country did not collapse? Are they angry because 4.2 million teachers, firefighters and police jobs were saved as a result of the stimulus bill that was passed? OR, are they angry because they are being told by simpleton politicians who want to undo the President are telling them to be angry? If you think of how much of the economic woes of this country began, they began because angry Americans made stupid decisions. We took out loans for homes we couldn't afford. We devalued education and didn't learn new skills to market ourselves for better jobs when the recession hit. We spent money we didn't have racking up enormous amounts of debt with no regard for common sense, and we invested in stocks and bonds without a clue as to the quality of the companies behind the investments. Our stupidity caused the anger. Blaming Democrats is silly and supporting Republicans is even sillier. Those who scream for smaller government out of anger, should repay their unemployment compensation, their home loan subsidies, their social security payments and their low interest loans. Be angry or be responsible. Go vote. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?
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