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Monday, February 6, 2012

The Republican Governors

Republican strategy has always included de-emphasizing or ignoring completely any successes that President Obama has had. Yesterday Newt called him the gretest assaulter of religious liberty in history. This plays into the hands of the conservatives in this country who are the only group to overwhelmingly express personal dislike for President Obama. And so it goes. How, however, do you have your cake and eat it too? Well Republican Governors have figured that out. They are admitting to success and improvement in the economy, a contradiction for sure. They, however, are taking credit for it saying the President had nothing to do with it. It was only through the job killing, union busting and fiscal restraint approaches taken by only the Republican governors in this country. Is this the new strategy? Deny the existence of success and then take credit for what you denied in the first place? Governor Mitch Daniels may have hosted a great Super Bowl, but his words are so ridiculous it is painful. It gets better each day. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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