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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mitt and Newt

I just love these one syllable easy to hear names. Mitt, Newt, what a pair. Let's start with Mitt. Mitt is going around saying the President called Americans lazy. This suave, slick, lying, say anything for a vote, reinvented conservative has learned to speak to the lowest common denominator of his party. Those with hate in their hearts toward the President and those too lazy to find the truth. The latest Mitt attack is saying that Obama calls us lazy. If you watch the speech, this couldn't be further from the truth, therefore a lie. The President said business has been somewhat lazy in doing all it can to lift our economy and create jobs. This is true. The President wasn't referring to MR. and Mrs. Main street. Mitt wants you to believe differently. Mr. 25% may ultimately prevail, but his mean spirited ways and constant changes in position will be made crystal clear to the American voter. As for Newt, the difference with him is that he is dangerous. He is a megalomaniac who uses words in convincing fashion to say two completely opposite things within days of each other. He just talks. He just spews. He just lies. He took 1.8 million dollars from Freddie Mac having condemned them ruthlessly while in Congress. He now has the audacity to tell us he wasn't lobbying on their behalf, that they paid him because of his smarts. This dangerous charlatan will keep trying to smooth talk his way out of every devious act he committed, including his adulterous acts and formal condemnation while the Speaker. What a choice. Here are two more mono syllabic words for you. Yutz and Putz. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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