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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Foreign Policy Bashathon

Now that the Republican candidates have so foolishly introduced a plethora of plans on taxes to outdo each other's slogans and inaccuracies, it is on to foreign policy for some more bashing. In last night's debate it was to feast on Obama's foreign policy. If polling is correct, this is the one area of overwhelming support from the people. His killing of Bin Laden, successful intervention in Libya, his dismantling of much of Al Qeda and his promise to end the war in Iraq are all successes that have American support. In addition, no matter what anyone else says, America's status abroad has improved, not declined, under his administration. Secretary Clinton's approval rating as Secretary of State is additinal evidence of that. America is acting less like a bully and more like a nation interested in the global perspective. This is often condemned by the likes of the gun obsessed Republicans as weakness, but Presiden't Eisenower, Nixon, Reagan and Bush 1 understood the need for quiet diplomacy, respect for the other nations of the world and responsible leadership. President Obama has embraced such statesmanship while protecting the nation and restoring American credibility abroad. Listening to the Republicans use foreign policy as a vehicle to bash him was quite funny. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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