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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Blame Game

No one plays the blame game better than donald trump. President Obama, according to trump, is responsible for all that is bad while only he, is responsible for all that is good. The current ISIS strategy that trump crows about, is Obama's policy. Not a hairs difference. The current economy is Obama's economy and trump crows about the stock market he called fake under his predecessor. This afternoon, after a terror attack in NY, trump immediately blamed Chuck Schumer for supporting a lottery program for immigrants from low immigration countries such as Uzbekistan. The suspect was actually radicalized while in the United States according to authorities, not because of how he came here. Again, the blame game. Try this on for size. The hateful bigotry caused by trump, has sparked violence amongst domestic terror groups and he and he alone is responsible for violence in Charlottesville. Hate crimes are at increasingly high levels due to trumps hateful language and inaccurate bombosity and arrogance. trump is responsible for the terrorist action in Vegas, killing dozens and injuring hundreds with real guns, not fake ones in the hands of the NY terrorist yesterday. trump is to blame for giving full support for the most dangerous and extreme views of the NRA. I can go on. If we allow trump to blame everyone else for current day failures without reminding him that he and only he is to blame, we let him slide like the slimy piece of trash that he is. Its all your fault mr. trump, not Barrack Obama's. Where are you Americans for reason and truth.

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