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Monday, July 20, 2015

The Crazies

I am no fan of Senator John McCain. He never saw a war he didn't like. He brought us the idiot Sarah Palin and his positions from being a maverick to a supposed conservative have shifted with the political winds more often than most. However, he does from time to time speak some sense. Recently, he spoke of the Trump candidacy as one that is bringing out the "crazies". The Donald as he defends his over the top comedic and disrespectful statements, has asked for an apology to these people. So who are the "crazies"? They are the ones who: -Defend the Confederate Flag as a symbol of patriotism -Call for the killing of doctors who perform abortions. -Support vaginal probing women before they can decide to terminate a pregnancy. -Tweet racial profanity to our President. -Call for guns for students in college. -Try to stop people from voting on the grounds of their political affiliations. -Re write textbooks making slavery almost non existent in the history of our nation. -Are members of the KKK. -Threaten the overthrow of government because of a military exercise in Texas. -Mock higher education as elitist. -Want to rewrite the Constitution so that natural origin excludes children of illegals who were born in the U.S.A. -are extreme members of the Tea Party such as Louis Gohmert and Steve King. -Are really stupid and dont know any better. They are not reflective of American values but make up a stubborn 20-25% of our electorate. They are not deserving of an apology. They are deserving of our scorn. Senator McCain is right....they are the "crazies". Additionally, Senator McCain is a war hero. Trump is an embarrassing ass and unqualified to be anything other than the circus clown he is. He is not worthy of even my puny little unimportant blog. Good Bye Donald. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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