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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A System in Disrepair

The Constitution of the United States is totally clear and unambiguous. For a bill to become a law, it takes a majority of both houses of Congress coupled with a President's signature. That's it. No debate. Modern day politics however have changed the essence of this reality. Senate rules permit them to declare certain bills subject to a filibuster proof vote. Today, by a 54 to 46 majority, the bill to expand background checks passed. This was consistent with the 85 percent of us who supported this. The 60 vote threshold, simply a Senate rule that has evolved not from Constitutional requirement but rather from political obesity, has again given the NRA a victory. A simple background check expansion failed. I would be upset if it wasn't for the reality that Speaker Boehner and his ignorant minions would have stalled it anyway. The Senate gave this idiot an easy out. Again this nation failed to honor the wishes of the people. If these Red state Democrats think they saved their jobs, they are wrong. These despicable, weak at the knees politicians may have just garnered support from their overly conservative populations, but Alaska and North Dakota barely hit the percentage meter in terms of population. The nation will respond. In its own way and its own time. Gun control will prevail, Red states will become blue, and the NRA will one day die. I hope sooner than later, but today is merely a temporary continuation of insanity. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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