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Friday, May 25, 2012

Class Size

Mitt Romney says class size matters little in the ability for students to achieve. When was the last time he taught a class of 35 students at once? This man, born to wealth, educated in prep schools, thinking it cool to bully others, is speaking as if he has credibility on the issue? With each passing day, Mitt Romney shows his inadequacy and unpreparedness for higher office. As a teacher, I am insulted that he speaks to me, a voter, with such an obvious lack of understanding or conviction on every major issue. Back to School for you Mr. Romney, or else you'll find yourself the richest Presidential election loser in history.....and I hope so. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

1 comment:

  1. Romney is another Bush - Someone who has never worked in his life. His outragous comments about the common people are repulsive!
