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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Takin it to the Streets

The President has sent his jobs bill to Congress and typical of the Repbulicans, they like everything they like and nothing to pay for it. These deficit hawks, tea party fanatics and hypocrites in the Republican caucus support deficit increases when it lowers taxes or cuts spending, or eliminates needed agencies, but ask the precious rich to pay a dime more and they rail against it. Well I have news for them, the people want the wealthy to pay more and the people want jobs. The President in takin it to the streets. State by state, inch by inch, using the bully pulpit and the power of the Presidency. By my calculus, this unpopular President will still be able to raise our consciousness and keep the obstructionists from getting their way. Maybe not today or next month, but certainly in 2012. I really believe that the Rebublicans are counting their chickens way before hatch day. Where are you Americans for reason and truth.

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