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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Greatness of America

The President spoke last night of the greatness of America. We can disagree, we can dispute, we can argue without censorship. He referenced regimes that want a rail system so they build it. He referenced regimes that if they do not like what is said about government, they don't publish it. Yes, this is what is great about America. I would be lying, however, if I didn't admit to some envy with such regimes. The likes of a Michelle Bachmann would never be allowed to waste our time. This is an elected official who denied the realities of slavery in our founding documents and single mindedly and stupidly gets to wield 1/435 th of the decision making capabilities of our House of Representatives. She is not an example of greatness. I only hope that the rest of us are smart enough to cast her aside as a rogue, stupid, ignorant and patently ridiculous person. Not so great. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?


  1. Teacher,I will try to explain how your comments
    are received by the right. "Conservatives are
    stupid,conservatives are dumb,conservatives think
    they have the answers,when they have none. We on
    the left are not stupid,we are are not dumb,we
    have the answers,they are all morons." What we have with your argument is all bun and no beef.
    "Where's the beef?"I can say I'm a "butterfly"
    but does that make me one? It would just make me a"fruitcake." I can say anything I want, but with
    nothing to substantiate what I say I just waste
    my breath. I claim Obama is a redistributionist
    because I heard him say so. I claim Obama is a
    socialist because he has sorrounded himself with
    them. I can continue but you get the point. If
    you SAY IT PROVE IT ! if not SHUT UP!

    Bootstrap Bob.

  2. So Teacher,I see you want to live in one of those
    repressive regimes. I guess you would like to be
    one of their "top cops" and deal with "all that
    old free speach'n stuff." Damn! Teach,I've cringed
    at some of the "crap" that democrats have spewed
    forth in the past. That in no way makes me feel
    like moving to RED China. I don't remember who
    said it but it bares repeating."I disagree with
    what you say but I wll fight to the death for your
    right to say it." As they say"the proof is in the
    (your)pudding."I don't understand how so many
    intelligent people have such inflated egos,that it
    will not allow thought, other than their own.

    Bootstrap Bob.

  3. Thanks for reading my blog. I generally do not comment back and clearly we have disagreements, but please understand I have deep respect for people with opposite points of view...conservative, republican, whatever labels may apply at the time. My criticisms of intellectual weakness are directed toward individuals, not groups or policies. Do you really think Michelle Bachmann is smart or capable? Thanks again for your comments.
