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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Calm Down Media

Perhaps the media ought to follow the advice of the President and control its own vitriol. Mark Levin is threatening to sue Chris Matthews, Rupert Murdoch doesn't wish Piers Morgan success, Sean Hannity is defending blood libel comments, Rush is Rush. I give our politicians some kudos right now for calming their rhetoric and toning down their hate speech, perhaps because in their hearts they do believe that language and imagery could be in some way responsible for violence. I would encourage the most unpopular group on the political scene, the unofficial fourth branch of government, the media, to do the same. Happy Birthday Adam. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

1 comment:

  1. Teacherman, I know the meaning of hate, and I
    know the meaning of speech. I believe I know
    the meaning of "hate speech" when I hear it.Hate
    speech is, "the President is a stupid moron" and "we should not respect him or his family."
    Hate speech is, "Sarah Palin is a stupid moron." Heated debate is, "I believe the
    Presidents positions are harming the security of this nation" or "I don't believe the Republican position is good for this country." When did heated debate become "hate speech?"

