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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cathie Black

Mayor Bloomberg of New York City appointed a media and business expert, Cathie Black as Chancellor of the largest public school system in the country. I am a product of these schools and currently a high school teacher in New Jersey. I spent 26 years in the corporate world before entering the classroom. I have found that my business experience has been helpful in my role as a teacher. The experiences I have had while working in the private sector have been amongst the best in terms of preparation for a career in education so I do not quarrel with the mayor's viewpoint that non traditional backgrounds do not disqualify Ms. Black for the job. There is a big but coming. If I uttered or behaved in my classroom poking fun with the serious matter of birth control, I would have to answer for such stupidity. Ms. Black's comments the other day may be OK in the back rooms of a magazine brainstorming session, but not at all appropriate for a meeting with parents in an overcrowded and historically challenged district. Ms. Black said the answer to overccrowded classrooms is birth control. This was insulting and unforgiveable. A woman with her experience in the media seriously blew it and even though it may have been a nervous attempt at humor, it surfaces how her total lack of educational experience will hinder her credibility in the job. I believe the mayor erred. Cathie Black should thank the Mayor, resign and go back to her high paid life. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

1 comment:

  1. I like her. She has no filter and says exactly what she thinks. She's providing us with a wonderful opportunity to see how the contemptuous elite think. She's the George Bush of Education. Can't wait to see what she says next!
