Wednesday, December 18, 2019
He Deserves It
He is a bad guy. A bully, a liar and a cheat. His whole life has been built on a narcissistic self promotion narrative and on the backs of others' misfortune. As President he has violated his oath to protect and defend the Constitution and no matter what his supporters say, he is just not worthy of the office he holds. He may not be removed by a feckless sycophantic Senate, but he deserves the historic rebuke that will be delivered by the peoples' House. Only 2 before him have suffered such a repudiation. He will go down in history as deserving of the pain and insult he will receive just like how he piles onto others. Merry Impeachment Donald. Wear the mantle of scorn with dishonor and shame. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Not a Close Call
I am far from a genius. I am no better than you. I do, however, understand our Constitution. I taught it, I went to school to learn about it up through and including graduate courses and I keep a copy of it at my disposal at all times. It is not a close call regarding trump's continuous violation of his oath to defend it. No matter what your political party affiliation is, take a breath, be honest, pretend it was Obama if you are a Republican, and clear your mind of spin. trump has refused to execute existing law. He has obstructed Congressional authority for spending. He has held aid back from an ally for political gain. He is colluding with jurors at a possible trial. He has set policy for personal financial gain. He has instructed people to defy subpoenas and he has obstructed an investigation into an enemy attack on our democracy. Not a close call. Where are you Americans for reason and truth? for a rally near you.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
There was a time
There was a time in America where bullying a child, making fun of a disabled person, lying, being a hateful, indecent piece of human trash, would be viewed as bad. No more. The New America. Welcome. Brown people not welcome. Education is not needed. Only wealth matters. Health Care is a privilege. Debate and compromise are gone. Indecency is our new motto. Hate your enemies. Ignore the law. Rip up the Constitution. Love Russia. Ignore truth. Yes folks, this is our country. What a shame. Where are you Americans for Reason and truth.
Go to and rally for how we used to be.
Friday, October 4, 2019
All this winning
Mexico has not paid one cent for a border wall.
Manufacturing at a 10 year low.
GDP growth is half of what was promised.
North Korea is expanding it's nuclear program, calling djt a dotard. Love letters?
Iran is enriching uranium.
No Middle East plan.
11 million additional uninsured Americans.
Record defecits.
Lifespan of Americans declined.
Small farmer bankruptcies on the rise.
Trade war getting worse and not so easy to win.
6 child deaths in detention facilities.
Coal mines closing with no new coal jobs as promised.
Air and water more polluted according to government agencies as a result of deregulation.
No plan to address Dreamers.
Still in Afghanistan.
Hate crimes quadrupled.
No sensible gun legislation in the face of mass shootings.
Have I mentioned Impeachment?...nope
Where are you Americans for reason and truth?
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Still Not Enough?
What I don't get is that regardless of what this man does, the Republicans don't see him as an existential threat. One day he'll be gone and where will the party be? Left as the representatives of indecency, immorality, racism and injustice? Is that what they want? Imagine a KasichHaley2020 ticket where they ran on
Conservatism and Decency. Wavering Republicans, angry and embarrassed would vote for that ticket. The party would be saved. And still, they won't. I hope they stick by this cancer they have enabled, this filthy inhuman indecent thug. Stick by him Republicans, I beg you. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?
Monday, September 9, 2019
The Un Constitution Moscow Mitch Style
It is crystal clear in the Constitution that Congress legislates and the Executive enforces. It is also clear that a President does not ever have the final word on law. NEVER. Our past greatness has always come from debate, disagreement and compromise. According to "Moscow Mitch" McConnell, these rules and realities need not apply. It is profoundly incorrect to hold up legislating because of what a President thinks. For that reason, Congress has override authority. People are getting killed by guns at alarming levels and the most vociferous 2nd amendment advocates want this debate to be in the open and supportive of sensible measures. McConnell's refusal to move forward by using the excuse that the President won't support it, is not only a dereliction of duty, but an insult to the founding principles of our nation. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?
Friday, August 30, 2019
Sick Children
The new policy from the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania avenue is to deport children of immigrants of questionable status, who are receiving life saving medical care. These are children, sick children, who will die. The greatness of America? Where are you Americans for reason and truth?
Monday, July 22, 2019
When the current occupant of the White House ran for President, he ran against America. He said everything Obama touched turned to garbage. Today he criticizes his opponents for calling America garbage when in actuality that's a lie, they didnt, but who cares, right? The best way to express love for America is by debate, disagreement and free and fair elections. By this standard, trump hates America. Who stinks of the garbage? Where are you Americans for reason and truth?
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Sad Truth
Every time I watch the pundits after each trump action of hatred, I listen to them say "it's not who we are". Well folks, it is who we are. We elected him and may do so again. Until we eject him from power and hear decent elected officials call him out from his own party, this is America. We are the country that has brought him to power and nurtured his racism. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Air and Water
For six months this blog has been heading to the graveyard of blogs. It didn't quite make it. Its near death experience was precipitated by my deep sadness and despair over what has happened to my country. It is easy to scapegoat the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. whose name I cannot utter without a peristaltic rage. There are others. A majority leader whose corruption mirrors the reckless cabinet of which his spouse is funneling money to his home state. A man who defies the will of the people by blocking every substantive piece of legislation coming from the People's House. Perhaps we should include the feckless cowardice of Mitt Romney or the hypocrisy of Susan Collins, or the abject fraudulence of Lindsay Graham or the news network that enables lies and promotes bigotry in the name of the President. All candidates for barnacles that feast on the muck and mire at the bottom of the sea. The daily lies, the prejudice and racism, the narcissistic and hateful vengeance, the denial of facts, science and truth, the self aggrandizement, the daily drumbeat of self congratulations, the incompetence and dangers coming from his aids and advisers, all weights upon my desire for expression. My psyche has been harmed, injured, battled and put on life support. BUT, it has not died. Not yet. What has brought it to life? Very simple. Air and Water. If you put everything aside about the man in the White House, everything, didn't follow politics at all, didn't care much about DC., but knew your air and water were under attack, you might say, maybe I should pay attention? For the first time in 40 years, the scientific community has issued non partisan reports that say our air and water are less safe and more polluted. The President's response in typical rally like fashion was that our air and water are the safest they have ever been under his Presidency. A lie, but who listens anymore? His further response due to his obsession with all things Obama, was to deregulate coal and end the Clean Energy initiatives of his predecessor adding to the dangers of drinking our water and breathing our air. This is what has caused this blog to arise from its near death experience. Perhaps next, we should care about Nazi marches in the streets of Florida when the polluter in chief held his re election rally. Just sayin. Where are you Americans for Reason and Truth?
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