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Thursday, August 5, 2010


Today, the Senate in its role of advice and consent, will confirm Elena Kagan as the 4th woman in history as the newest justice of the Supreme Court (SCOTUS). This, happily despite attempts by Senator Sessions from Alabama leading a partisan campaign against this most accomplished and capable woman. Ms. Kagan has been serving as Solicitor General. This job is the lawyer who defends the Federal Government in all cases that appear before the High court, so any suggestions as to lack of experience are ludicrous at best. This is a good day for America. Hopefully Ms. Kagan will provide some balance and perspective for a court that has dangerously veered toward the right with its recent decisions. This is the second justice appointed by President Obama during his brief tenure as President and one of the most interesting facts of our Government. The President chooses justices who may serve for life and often, in their role, they completely surprise and disappoint the President who nominated them. This is because they are not politicians, but legal scholars who value law over mean spirited and vitriolic aspects of elected government. Kudos to our founders for getting this right. Kudos to you Ms. Kagan. Congatulations and congratulations to those Republican Senators who were able to put aside politics for a moment, and confirm a qualified and capable nominee. Sorry Senator Sessions... Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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