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Tuesday, August 31, 2010


The President made his speech about ending combat operations in Iraq and Republican leaders had the gaul, the absolute nerve and unbelievable chutzpah to suggest he thank George Bush and the supporters of the war. This is what we have to be thankful for?:
4400 dead. No government in Iraq. No weapons of mass destruction. No connection to 9-11. Taking our eye off the ball in Afghanistan. Billions of dollars spent helping to exacerbate the recession. Claims that Iraq oil revenues will fund the war totally unfounded. Tens of thousands wounded. An unsuccessful surge Mr. McCain...there is no stable democracy in Iraq and a heap of lies after lies and no accountability for those who did lie while the Republican party supported this fiasco. This is what we have to be thankful for? What a rotten, smelly, despicable group of Republican leaders we have. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?


  1. Its just kind of really bad joke all this operation.. the new logan is die to give nothing to your country..

    Lot of Funny Videos in one PLACE!

  2. Great post. Well, here is one individual who stands up for reason and truth, and I am very happy Obama has finally ended the war. It's been a long time coming and, as you said so very well, what did it accomplish? Nothing.

  3. I do not know how long we (USA and Israel) will face the Arab leaders and Muslims and their radical factions, Shiites, Sunnis and others. Leave them free is dangerous to encourage the masses of ignorants people who follow them and can give them a big chance for the return of international terrorism.

    See how they kill their own brothers without mercy on behalf of Islam's differences. It is not hard to predict what may they make the modern Western world and free with these crazy people.

    May peace be upon you!

  4. Unfortunately the death toll in Iraq is much higher than the 4400 hundred troops dead (not including suicides as a result of PTSD). Conservative estimates put the Iraqi Civilian Death Count at over 97,000. http://www.iraqbodycount.org/

    Our government killed about 100,000 people. Now that is terrorism of the worst kind - state sponsored.
