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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Frightened by Ignorance

What much of America has never appreciated is the need for leaders to be smart enough to understand the complexity of issues. Clearly, love him or hate him, President Obama does. The same people, however, who challenge his birth, or his religion, or his fitness, also view intelligence as elitist, perhaps because they themselves do not understand. It is easier to listen to a cliche or a political slogan or a sound byte than to do the work required to understand. This is what is so frightening about Sarah Palin. She is great at capturing the ignorance and running with it for media exposure and book sales, but truly the most frightening thing is that she doesn't think understanding complexity is important. She views intelligence and educational background as unecessary baggage. She is not an elected official and may we all pray that it remains this way. Ignorance is not bliss and we should be frightened by it. What is most scary is that all the criticisms I just leveled against Mrs. Palin, apply to the most important Republican in the House, a man who could be second in succession to the President after the November election. Be frightened, for his ignorance is only exceeded by the intensity of his tan. John Boehner's upcoming possibility as Speaker is the greatest incentive Democrats and the nation have to vote. Ignorance is frightening. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?


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