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Friday, September 7, 2012

Proud and Still Inspired

When I listen to my President speak about education and the future, about green jobs and investment in the Middle class, about shared sacrifice and fairness, I feel proud to be a supporter of Barack Obama. Anyone who supports the other guy is not opening their eyes to some basic realities that were highlighted at the conventions. The notion of an entitlement President is disturbingly dishonest. The notion of government choosing for women is nauseating, the suggestion that we return to failed policies is just plain stupid. Sorry my Republican friends. You are represented by people who have been praying for bad economic news, who care little for this country, who promote ignorance and have picked two people that have neither a conscience nor an ability to tell the truth. Progress is always slow, and currently this is the case, but progress is better than moving back and truth is better than lies. We are better off today than four years ago and to deny it is to bury your heads in the sand. Two visions, one good, the other not. You will decide for yourself but I am inspired and hopeful. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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