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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

10 Years Old

In 1980, Paul Ryan was ten years old but today, as the pre convention attack dog, he claims to know how to compare President Obama with Jimmy Carter. Mr. Ryan is a petulant little ass, with an extremely high opinion of himself. He loves to take liberties with the truth, from his marathon run to his blame game against others, while he took similar views and awful votes. I think at the end of the election, the Republicans will regret having selected Mr. Ryan who still acts like a ten year old. To disrespect a former President who he only knows from his handlers is another example of his mean spiritedness and inexperience. Jimmy Carter gave us peace between Israel and Egypt, warned us against our profligate consumption of oil and insured every hostage came home alive. The circumstances of his Presidency and the malaise in the nation at that time was captured successfully by Reagan who then went on to lead our country on a path toward economic insolvency, the results of today tied to his economic philosophy. Anyhow, while Mitt Romney prepares for the debates, trying to figure out how to backtrack and avoid falling into the trap of being caught with his many lies and shifting positions, Paul Ryan is out there shouting like a ten year old. I implore him not to shut up, but to keep behaving like the child he is. If he has half the life's accomplishments of Mr. Carter, he will be lucky. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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