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Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Systematic Destruction of a President

In November of 2008, after the lies, the ineptitude and systematic destruction of our economy by W and Dick, it was time for a change. The oratorical prowess of Barack Obama and the timing of his election made for the perfect planetary alignment for his victory. A background such as his, was truly the American story but his race made his victory that much more stunning. Here was a man, brought up by working parents, struggling economically, learning the value of hard work and education, committing himself to one woman and the highest standards of family values who screams of American opportunity. His education and intellect is of the highest calibre we have seen in a while. His temperment and thoughtful approach to decision making is sensible and his willingness to take the Madisonian concept of compromise and promote it, should be refreshing to a centrist America. Under President Obama, we have seen Bin Laden killed, the economy rise from the abyss of poor performance, two wars begin to wind down, millions of jobs saved and a recognition of what is important for the future of our country...infrastructure improvement, educational excellence and talking about the important esoteric and practical issues for our future. I continue to admire him, support him and remain in awe of his incredible abilities. I feel very alone these days. Our current climate is rampant with hate, vitriol and a determined opposition wishing and coordinating for the President to fail, and the country with him. His soaring rhetoric remains an inspiration to me but his skillful opponents at all costs will do their best to destroy him. This is their stated goal, and all of their efforts are gearing up for such an outcome....Presidential failure. I believe race and prejudice has a lot to do with it, but if I am wrong, the problem may be even worse. We have a political party that will do all they can through parlimentary maneuvers, hypocritcal statements, inaccurate scare tactics and downright disrespect to put their interests well ahead of the interests of our nation. I only hope there is time to expose this deep rooted and vindictive plan and give the President the support he has earned. 8 years of killing our economy cannot be forgotten and expectations that any President can fix all the damage in two years is silly. The summer is ending and the real game begins. We need more players. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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