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Saturday, September 10, 2011


I grew up in NYC and went to school a few blocks from the catastrophe as a man in my early twenties. I live, eat and breathe NYC and therefore will not be watching a single broadcast, a single TV commemorative service or read a single recap about the ceremonies at Ground Zero and elswhere. Why? Because there is not a single New Yorker who will ever forget the experience and therefore needs not be reminded of it. There isn't a single American that will forget that we remove our shoes at airports and cannot bring shampoo on a plane because of 9-11. We do not need all these solemn rememberances and politicians attending. We do not need to relive the funerals or remind parents of their pain. It will live within each of us forever. I would rather watch football, reflect internally and hope that these same politicians deliver legislation to improve the economy and help my fellow citizens. 9-11 services and 24 hour coverage will not make it more important for me. In fact they may inflict more pain. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

1 comment:

  1. Another legacy of 9/11. Russ was detained in the Iceland airport as we were making our way home. Part of a random security check. He was wanded and patted down, gloves checked for explosives. But, then not allowed to rejoin me in by the gate until the plane was ready to leave. I stood by the door where they took him until they let me in too. We were the last 2 people to board the plane. The folks doing the "security check" work for the TSA. We are now terrorized because we were terrorized.
