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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What is Worth Fighting For?

The recent budget fight ain't worth spit. It was fought on a level so small and so insignificant, it wasn't worth the attention it received. Now the real fight begins. Debate over the debt ceiling, something that most of us do not for a moment understand or comprehend. It will make a great tea party cliche, but the reality is that long term financial credibility and stability of the American economy is at stake when you lower our quotient for lending to foreign nations. The reality is that our debt will only be reduced when job creation and tax revenues reach the levels needed for sustained growth. In the midst of our recovery, now is not the time to politicize our global credit rating. Now is the time to decide what is really worth fighting for. Shared sacrifice is worth fighting for. This does not mean that Exxon and General Electric can avoid all corporate taxes while Mr. Main street earning 40 grand pays his fair share. It does not mean telling seniors that their health is too expensive and their insurance needs to be reduced so that private health care companies get another market to take advantage of. It does not mean that Wall Street forks over 11% in taxes while the rest of us approach 20% It does not mean that the average worker's rail services are reduced, fares are increased, college loan money is made less available and the neediest amongst us suffers while the richest in the nation continue to get tax breaks. These facts simply do not represent what is truly Shared Sacrifice. This is the battle worth fighting for and darn it, we better do it soon. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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