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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Message War

For decades, the Democrats have been losing the message war on taxes. No matter how unfair or unevenly distributed the burden, every time Republicans say Democrats will raise your taxes, they are heard. Democrats always are on the defensive on this issue. Even under President Obama where 95% of Americans saw a decrease in their taxes, incredulously polls suggest that the people favor the Republicans on tax policy. Unless the President and the Democrats shout more loudly and make the case, it will be a losing issue again. So here is what they should say....It is wrong that the greatest tax breaks go the those with the least need. In order to cut our deficit and save the middle class from further program cuts, we are asking the richest Americans to help the rest of us. That's it. Taxes on the rich are too low and this message can sell. Now go sell it Democrats. Where are you Americans for reason and truth.

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