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Sunday, November 4, 2018

What If?

On Tuesday, there will be millions of people who rely on Medicaid, pharmaceuticals, good roads, improved infrastructure, good schools, food assistance and healthcare that will willingly and actively support a political party that has vowed to reduce or take these benefits away from them and avoid spending money on needed improvements. This has been the case for a while, but this mid term election makes this stupidity even sadder and more dangerous than ever. These folks will vote for candidates that support massive tax benefits for the wealthy leaving very little for them. These are also people who are less educated and less informed than those who view things differently. In an effort to further solidify their loyalty, they are being scared to believe a massive invasion from the south, by darker skinned terrorists and lepers is coming to destroy their way of life. To these people I say, sorry for you. You are lost. To everyone else, you have witnessed a Presidency for the last two years that had doubled downed on racism, narcissism, lies, indecency and hate and many have stood by in the name of party loyalty. This Faustian bargain, however, has had an opposite effect in practice,for the many things that the Republicans told us they were about. Things like free trade, deficit control, family values, decency, stuff like that. These have been ignored. Very little of what traditionally comprised the Republican party has come to fruition and while this happened, we have been witness to one of the most corrupt, inhuman and indecent thugs ever to preside over our country. I wont continue. Instead, WHAT IF we honored the Constitution and put the desired checks and balances in place? What if we split government like in the past and reigned in this ignorant, narcissistic fool? WHAT IF we stopped our government from taking away healthcare, demonizing public education, cutting benefits to pay for the tax break for the wealthy and stopped the onslaught of lies and conspiracies? WHAT IF we returned to the values of decency, honor and truth? WHAT IF? We may actually feel better and begin to correct the mistakes of the past two years. Not if you sit on your ass we wont. VOTE BLUE. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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