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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

John Lennon Lives

This blog has been silent for a few months, waiting for the right time to jump back in. Now that the Clown Parade of Presidential candidates has pretty much been scheduled, its a good time in my opinion. John Lennon to our great hopes and dreams once sang "All we are saying, is give peace a chance". Today, President Obama took a step to honor Mr. Lennon. Before his speech about an Iranian nuclear deal was finished and before the ink on the pages of the agreement dried and without even seeing it, members of the Republican leadership along with some of the clowns on their side of the Presidential election condemned the deal as a failure. The leader of our greatest ally Israel, Mr. Netanyahu, who has been trying to run American foreign policy through his Republican proxy called it an historic failure. For these transparent and hateful people is one alternative....more war. I do not need a lecture about Israeli security from South Carolina's Graham or the Speaker of the House, both with no cultural or ethnic association with the Jewish State as do I. The vitriol and hatred coming out by these buffoons the day of this historic attempt at a chance for peace is even more stunning because they haven't even read the deal. They keep saying we need a better deal. But what deal is that? Do they have one? Can they control the intentions of the other five collaborators? NO. It is irresponsible and shameless. If, Iran blows it, if they cheat, if the USA gets verifiable intelligence from Israel or its own actions, we can always do what the Hawks want. Drop the bombs. Nothing in this deal stops us from using force. Perhaps, just this once, we can try another way. Give peace a chance. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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