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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Enough is Enough

To those who have been afraid to go up against the NRA, you are losers. You are weak at the knees politicians without an ounce of courage or bravery. You have allowed gun freaks and second amendment obsessors to cloud the truth. Guns do kill people. Assault weapons have no place in our society and not a single individual who touts guns as a means of self defense needs one. To those who will continue to bow to the Gun lobby, you are not worthy of your special privilege of representing our nation. If you continue to allow the guns to get onto the streets, to disguise the right to hunt as the same as owning a Glock, then you are not only an idiot, but deserve no support from any fair minded, emotionally stable individual. If we cannot as a nation for once and for all deal with gun control, then we deserve a continuation of such horrific and violent actions. Enough is enough. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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