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Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Bureau of Labor Statistics

Yesterday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced the monthly unemployment numbers. Because they were better, and came on the heels of the Romney debate victory lap, immediately the Republican bloviates like Jack Welch, Rick Santelli and Rush and the other kooks said the numbers were skewed, dishonest, cooked and conspiratorially played with to secure a second term for the President. Even Mitt Romney, seemingly knowledgeable about how this stuff works, didn't join the chorus of these irrational supporters. He kept lying and showed some frustration with good numbers trying to minimize their impact, but he didn't accuse the President of dishonesty. Those who did, ought to be ashamed. The BLS is an agency of government, bureaucratic to the core. It is made up of lifers, from both political parties, pure bureaucrats that do their jobs, care about what they do and work for an agency unchallenged by both sides of the world of common sense, as to its integrity. The last time any President attempted to curry political favor with the agency was Nixon, who said the Jewish money people were against him and he tried to sway the BLS to see it his way. He was rebuffed and other than that attempt, the BLS has been accepted as an honest purveyor of statistical information related to jobs. Why weren't the kooks accusatory when numbers were not so good? You figure it out. Lastly, to listen and observe leaders of this nation show sadness over good news, is another reason to awaken all you sleepy heads. The Republican party and its leaders care more about re-electability than they do about you or America. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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