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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

For the Record

Tomorrow the Supreme Court will rule on the Affordable Health Care Act. For the record, this is a law passed by Congress and signed by the President who did not initially support an individual mandate, but rather a single payer system. In essence, this law was not the first choice of President Obama so Obamacare has been a misnomer from the outset. For the record, the individual mandate was a Republican idea raised by President Nixon and most leaders of the Republican party as they obsessively railed against a single payer system. For the record, Mitt Romney signed into law signature legislation as Mass. Governor that required the purchase of health care, a mandate that he now denies as important while he hides behind states rights. For the record, the Supreme Court has beoome overly politicized to our great misfortune as a nation. When Earl Warren lead the court, he realized that the nation would never accept a split vote on the matter of Brown vs. Board of Education so he worked to insure unanimity through some arm twisting and much compromise but in the end the decision was accepted, grudgingly by some, but its impact was given credibility due to a unanimous court. Chief Justice Roberts for the record, is ruling a deeply split and divided court and these differences are manifestly apparent with each major vote. Bush v. Gore, 5 to 4. Citizens United, split and the public just as it has grown tired of Congress, is now giving the court its least popular rating in decades. These facts, for the record, will put tomorrow's decision in perspective if the mandate is struck down. I hope the justices took the nations' collective disgrace in protecting the health of its citizens more seriously than they took their personal politics. It is just too important. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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