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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Words Matter

When Newt Gingrich says the President kills babies, it matters. Particularly since abortions have gone down during Obama's Presidency. When Rick Santorum says that Satan is going after the US because of our corrupt President and his policies, it matters. Particularly since such references come from an extremist view of religiosity that potentially parallels the philosophies of theologic states. When Mitt Romney says that he is a conservative, it matters. Particularly since he has been a moderate, a spender as governor and a developer of a mandate for health insurance, all things I support, by the way. When Ron Paul says we should eliminate the Federal Reserve Board, it matters. Particularly since the absence of such an agency in today's times, would put our financial institutions at risk since pure free enterprise has its pitfalls. If a lead contender for Veep, Governor McDonnell says he wants women to submit to the indignities of a vaginal exam before making a legal choice, it matters. Particularly since he claims to be a man of freedom and liberty. (Thankfully he has backed off.) These words, hostile, fact challenged and dangerous are spoken to get votes, but if we do not listen closely, we may find ourselves in waters that indeed violate our Constitutional values in ways that we cannot yet comprehend. I respect any person's right to hold views that are tied to faith, but when they couch them in false definitions of liberty, it becomes a dangerous affront to our rights. Words matter, listen, be sensible and hold the lunatics responsible for what they say. After all, we don't want the inmates running the asylum. Where are you Americans or reason and truth?

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