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Friday, December 16, 2011

It's Over

Despite the protestations of John McCain, who had the audactiy to criticize the President's decisions to end the war in Iraq, it is about time our brave troops are coming home. Today is a time to reflect and remember the truth, which often gets muddled in the various memoirs and autobiographies of those who engaged in reckless foreign policy. Tens of thousands injured, nearly five thousand dead, during a campaign based on dishonesty and vengeance. George Bush told America that Iraq was a nuclear threat to the United States and our way of life. This was not true. George Bush led by Dick Cheney for this entire campaign, declared the operation over, several years ago when clearly it was not. Once the revelations of poor intelligence were discovered, a spirited debate by leaders of both parties, should have led to a much earlier withdrawl. While our economy struggled, the Republican Congress along with Democrats presided over a policy that cost America over a trillion dollars. No matter how the extremist hawks spin this campaign, the battles never should have been fought and precious American life never sacrificed. Kudos should go out to all those who served, for their bravery and patriotism. As they come home, looking for work and looking to be integrated back into the mainstream of society, let us be reminded that even the portion of the President's job bill asking for tax credits for hiring veterans, is still being blocked by the Republicans. Welcome home. Where are you Americans for reason and truth.

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