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Friday, November 4, 2011

Running to the Right

The candidates for President on the Republican side are bumping into each other with speeds never seen before. Who can get to the finish line of extremism first, is the rule of their day. Who can shoot guns the best, declare their devotion to G-d with more furor, find a tax plan that supports the inequities in America, declare support for "personhood" amendments, run away from their undocumented gardeners, eliminate a woman's right to choose, declare unions money sucking vacuums, support efforts to suppress voting, call for the elimination of any regulation, shut cabinet agencies and call the President a failure day after day after day after day. Now, re-read the above. Do you REALLY want these people to lead our nation into the future? Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

1 comment:

  1. I believe that there is merit behind their objectives. Under the Obama administration we have yet to pull ourselves from the deep debt we have dug ourselves into. While their extremism may only be displayed to appeal to conservative republicans nationwide, these men support a government originally built by our founding fathers. Joh Adams himself proclaimed " Avarice, ambition, revenge and licentiousness would break the strongest cords of our Constitution, as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Our nations move towards a secular nation is one that was NOT intended by the founding fathers. Obama is the nations first president ever to say "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation" The move from a religious to a secular nation is one that aims to destroy the moral obligations Americans lived by. In a time of economic strife, we need to slow down globalization and start producing goods in our own country. There is a sanctity to life, and a woman loses her right to "choose" when it involves that of another life. That's not to say of course that conservative republicans denounce feminism. The right firmly believes that women can work as hard as men if not harder. I believe that as a nation we need to move back to the country our founding fathers fought to create.
