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Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Cain Mutiny

I suppose I need to post something about Herman Cain. The former CEO of Godfather Pizza is prancing around town with his 999 plan. He is surging in the polls of those individuals likely to vote in Republican primaries and is simply a reflection of the frustration and dismissiveness by the people of the field of candidates, all quite flawed. As his plan, ridiculous by any sensible evaluation gets the scrutiny it deserves, there will be a Cain mutiny. Here today, gone tomorrow, selling books and the Mittster left standing as an unloved and unexciting choice to go against Obama. Maybe things aint so bad after all. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

1 comment:

  1. Cain's 999 plan really hurts the poor and seniors from what I can see. I posted an article on Yahoo concerning this at Yahoo at http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/9038829/herman_cains_999_plan_threatens_seniors.html?cat=9 - the article is called Herman Cain's 999 Plan Threatens Seniors.

    Hopefully you are right, and he is just the current flavor of the week. His plans can't stand up to any kind of scrutiny.
