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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Pursuit of Profit

Economists from both political perspectives, will tell you that there is mounting evidence that lower taxes is not the way to create jobs. Our free market system is the best in the world, but the pursuit of profit and continuous demands from business for more breaks and more loopholes does not stimulate job growth, it stimulates profit growth. These are two very separate notions. When Mitt Romney was in charge of Bain Capital, he advised and taught companies how to be more profitable and productive. One major way to do this, was through mergers and downsizing. Mitt was successful, but his business experience isn't tied to creating jobs, it is tied to creating profit. Rick Perry, as governor, created jobs through the advantages of oil price increases of which he had nothing to do with. He also had the advantage of a population increase. Even with these advantages, every state that borders Texas, has a lower unemployment rate than does Texas. One out of four children have no health insurance in Texas, its education system is one of the worst and one out of ten minimum wage jobs exist in Texas. Americans may like this, but the Governor as does Mitt, knows how to create profit for business, not good jobs for Americans. The pursuit of profit is not a bad thing, particularly for the stock holders of these companies who are advantaged by increased productivity, downsizing, acquisitions and economies of scale. When the party of profit tries to blame the government for a lack of job creation, it deliberately misses the mark, distorts the truth and unfortunately has a willing but stupid audience. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

1 comment:

  1. "Where are you Americans for reason and truth?" Excellent question! I'd like to know that myself!

    What comes to mind is they're off being self-absorbed and content with the status-quo, or what the latest trend in men and women's wear is, or how many Vigra a male can take at a time!

    We are at a particularly low point in modern history, a virtual Dark Age if you will, where the dumbing down of America is in full bloom. The old adage that, "Ignorance is bliss," certainly seems to be the motto of this age.

    Really appreciated you sharing your thoughts Michael! Kudos!

