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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


As the Summer begins, most Americans tune out from politics and concentrate on other things. This should not be the case however, because there is a lot to worry about. Most pernicious these days, are our state governments with their Republican Legislative advantages, demonizing public workers but unwilling to ask business to pay its fair share. The likes of Governor Christie, popular outside of NJ for reasons that boggle the mind, are quietly contributing to the continuous advantages for the wealthy while blaming Obama for persistenty high unemployment. Job growth must be the number one agenda item for the Government and even though they will not listen to me, I am just as smart, maybe smarter than these self serving power grabbing vote getting politicians who care little about the rest of us. Here are two ideas. 1)- The President should set up a Federal Infrastructure Repair Account to be funded with every single dollar in savings that we get from a reduction of military commitment in Afghanistan and Iraq. He is making a speech about troop reduction tonight and all this money should go directly to this account for the sole purpose of hiring businesses and individuals to fix our crumbling roads, bridges, airports, schools, tunnels and rail tracks. 2)- Banks and other businesses are hoarding cash, waiting to see how much more of an advantage they can squeeze from Government. They know how to drive the economy, they just won't while they hold the Government hostage over tax breaks, incentives and deregulatory attitudes. My suggestion is that 25% of this cash go directly to employees in the form of a one time cash bonus, based on the percent that each person costs its company. We would have thousands of employees spending and stimulating the economy with their new found wealth, this would open up opportunities in other industries and it wouldn't cost the Government a dime. Unfortunately, greed will prevail and this will never happen. These are good ideas...about to fall into the abyss of all of history's good ideas. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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