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Friday, December 17, 2010

I can hear it already.

In a moment of bipartisanship and in time for the holiday, Congress passed the tax bill. There are Christmas tree ornaments for both parties and for all Americans. There is also an ever increasingly large bill to pay down the road. If this helps to stimulate the economy and put people to work, it will all have been worth it despite the wrangling. However, politicians in our country do not do anything solely for the people. They do it out of spite, jealousy, power and re-election. I can hear the new Congress now....Republicans- "look at what President Obama did. Another spending bill that increased the debt by over 800 billion dollars. Those Democrats never saw a spending bill they didn't like"....Democrats- "look at what those Republicans in the Congress did. Held the government hostage for another break for the rich fat cats in this country. Those country club Republicans continue to have their let them eat cake attitude. Shame on them." Yes, I can hear it all now. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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