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Sunday, October 17, 2010

16 to go

Losing Presidential candidate John McCain, still bitter over his loss, ornery and hypocritical, the man responsible for bringing light weights such as Sarah Palin onto the political scene, yesterday made some very insulting and disparaging remarks about Senator Barbara Boxer. He is certainly entitled to his opinion, but saying it has been an unpleasant experience serving with her, and that she has the worst record on the military is just another scare tactic used by Republicans who consistently try and depict Democrats as weak on defense. Senator McCain never met a military expenditure that he didn't like and is an aggressive supporter of military force. His heroism notwithstanding, does not make him right. We lost Vietnam because we could not fight gorilla tactics which still today challenge our military. We are smarter, and lives are just as precious, but indiscriminate acceptance of military funding without appropriate review is just as irresponsible as not fighting when our interests are at stake. Senator Boxer may be more of a dove, but it is not unpleasant at all to have Senators that challenge our military strategy when the expense hurts us at home. Republicans cannot control the deficit create jobs, support the rich and two wars all at the same time. We need statesmanship, not name calling and insults. Go Boxer. Think about this over the next 16 days. Fear, or truth. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?