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Friday, June 25, 2010

Be Positive

I was having a conversation with one of my readers the other day. He was giving me some suggestions about blogging due to his significantly greater experience than mine. He encouraged me to be more positive with my posts. My response was that he may be right, but that this was a political blog with a partisan tilt to the left. How is it possible to be positive when responding to a gleeful Senator McConnell who gloats about defeating unemployment benefits? How can I be positive about two men who claim to be affiliates of the Democratic party philosophy, Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson who continually count local votes while screwing the nation? How can I be positive when people blame the President for an undersea oil explosion not of his making? How can I be positive when I continually see Republican politicians scream about Democratic spending when they themselves presided over incredible deficit creation and squandered surplus? Well, quite frankly I can't. I think therefore, I will take a few days off from blogging while I try to find the bright side and Be Positive. Don't count on it, but I will sincerely try. Where are you Americans for Reason and Truth?

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