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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lunch with the President

There is no doubt that the partisan bickering in Washington DC despite President Obama's attempt at crossing the aisle is at a severe and diappointing level. In fact, regardless of party, most Americans are angry at Washington not because of philosophy, but because of this hateful and arrogant attitude by both sides. In another attempt at graciousness, the President invited Republican leaders to lunch. Instead of showing the respect that he deserves, they began to lecture him about his audactiy, his failed promises, his insufficient efforts toward compromise and his unwillingness to pass major legislation with Republican support. What they leave out, is that his compromising in so many ways caused the ultimate legislative result to tilt away from his personal philosophy. . But instead of gracious recognition of this willingness, Republicans like Senator Corker say the President sabotaged financial reform or ruined health care. The President holding his ground, left the lunch with no improvement in attitude. Republicans simply do not understand that compromise means giving and getting which they have gotten from Democrats. This group whenever they don't get it all, find the points they lost on, forgets their gains, and goes on the attack. They believe it is a strategy that will work. They believe disagreeing with the President will help them as they ride the anti incumbency attitude to victory. This strategy, although enticing to them, simply won't work because in the end, Americans will hold the Republicans responsible for inefficiency, hatefulness and politics. I truly believe this.......I am about to leave on a Senior High School trip for a few days. No blogs till Monday. Where are you Americans for reason an truth?

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