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Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Today I wish to express my anger with hyprocrisy. First, we have previous Presidential candidate John McCain who has marketed himself for decades as a maverick, having the nerve to suggest that he never considered himself such. He would do absolutely anything for a vote and it is time to move this war hero and dedicated American out of the daily political scene. Unfortunately, his primary opponent is even worse. The real hypocrisy is not really the McCain issue however. He is just another politician hawking for votes and changing his position. It is with those who pride themselves as 'Family Value" leaders, in particular, three to write about today. Senator David Vitter from Louisiana, Governor (oh no she quit) Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich. David Vitter has always been an advocate for family values. His consistent voting record against any non mainstream social group or desire to press for equality for all has given him the support of the vast majority of voters in his state for who family values are a top voting prioritiy. Yet, this man, soon to be re-elected has cavorted with prostitutes. He has given the usual political cliche apology but his actions should be reprehensible to his supporters. Yet, they continue to support him. Mrs. Palin is a devoted Christian who gets much of her political guidance from the Lord. This is admirable and many devoted family values voters support her. Do they support pre-marital sexual relations of teen children? Probably not and yet they support someone who has had to deal with this in her family. Newt Gingrich loves to promote himself as the purist of the Conservative wing of his party and relies on the support of many family values voters. Yet, while his ex wife was ill with cancer, he carried on an adulterous affair. Still, he promotes himself to the constituency that believes in good family values. Now, I believe that all of these unfortunate personal issues are private and should not be as much a part of the poltical discussion in America that they are. But, if I were truly a voter who cast his votes on family values issues and issues of good moral behavior, Palin, Gingrich and Vitter could not make my list. To those Americans who believe in good family values, check out the wonderfully successful marriage of our President, his two marvelous children, their care being done my grandma at home and a family unit that is a wonderful example of what is good and right about behavior. How does a family values voter support a man who likes prostitutes, a woman with pre teen sexual behavior within her family and a man who cheats on a sick wife, over our President? It is hypocrisy of huge proportions. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?


  1. I'm a follower! Never been a follower before. This is exciting!

  2. Thanks for tuning in. I am not looking for thousands to follow me, but it does relieve my stress and I love to write about it all. See ya
