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Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

Labor Day marks the unofficial end of Summer. Beaches begin to close, people leave for home from their last weekend of vacation, and the slow doldrum of corporate effort during the months of July and August evolves into a more energetic and active engine of business activity. Traditionally, Labor Day marks the recognition of effort of workers across the country, traditionally, union workers. Unions have been vilified of late being blamed for all the ills of the economy. They are being stripped of collective bargaining rights and are shrinking both in number and political influence. In fact, if you want to score some political points as a Governor or Congressman, just blame the unions. America is on a path of abandonment of the Labor movement. The Republican party has successfully pitted union workers against other workers. They blame the allegedly high pension amounts, generous health benefits and other perks to anger and inflame everyone else. It works. The important thing to remember today, however, is that the same forces that are used against unions, are being used against other workers. Salary growth has been stagnant. Corportions still send jobs oversees because of the increased profitablility of doing so. American workers remain untrained to fit the jobs of the future. Layoffs abound so that productivity and stock prices can rise. The corporate coffers are filled with cash. So on this Labor Day, we ought not to be demagogueing one group, we ought not accept the strategy of divison amongst groups of workers, and we ought not be angry with or expect the President to find us a job. We ought to be demanding fairness, we ought to be voting out those who support corporate wealth interests above middle class interests, and we ought to realize that our 2010 election did more harm than good. The Republicans are succeeding in embarrassing and humiliating the President, but they are failing dismally in meeting the moral standards of fairness, creating American opportunity and working together with Democrats to do what is right for We the people. Summer is over. Speak with your votes, your voices, letters, emails and town hall meetings to make yourselves heard. Labor Day is a great day to start. Your Congres is failing you. Wake up. Thank you American workers. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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