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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Political Courage

In 2008 we voted for change. The historic election of Barack Obama will, no matter what, be considered an historic event. His accomplishments vs. his promises on the stump have been extraordinary. Even though we as impatient Americans forget sometimes what we voted for and then get angry when we get it, the fact remains that this President is working to move the agenda that got him elected forward. Health Care Reform, a priority item for the President was passed and by all estimates the political demonization of it by the Republicans has worked. Americans wanted it, but now are skeptical of it. They do not understand it, they have accepted the Palinization of it, and now seem to be forgetting why it is important. I finally am seeing President Obama coming out from the isolation of the Summer. I have heard him over the last few days stump loudly and aggressively over the merits of the bill in the face of continued pessimism. This is political courage. It is easy to ignore unpopularity of an issue and pretend it doesn't exist or to nuance your words to find votes. Harry Reid, for instance, coming out against the Islamic cultural center, comes to mind. I understand without an ounce of naivety the process for finding votes, but I also know, that the people that are true leaders, the ones I admire most, are the one's that put electoral expediency aside and instead, stay true to their values. This takes courage and I am beginning to see it in our President. I thought he lost it. Nice to see it again Mr. President. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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