Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Dust off the Old Strategy

One thing is sure in politics....republicans love to race bait. They love to pit working class whites up against minorities and rail against the welfare state. Mitt Romney's new ad does just that. It is attempting to do two things....change the subject away from his taxes and role at Bain and stir up the passions of those blue collar whites who tend to be lower information voters. It doesn't matter that the ad is filled with doesn't matter that Romney himself supported such a states' rights prerogative when he was governor along with most other republican governors and it doesn't matter that it stirs up the ignorance and hate that still exists in parts of this country. I believe it is an act of desperation and America won't buy it this time, but nevertheless, dust off the old strategy and see if it works. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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