Saturday, May 8, 2021
The Obama Problem
I believe Obama was a transformative President, mostly for the good of our country. Certainly more humane and dignified than his successor, whose hate, racism and lies will be the foundation for a big chunk of our country for decades to come, posing a real existential threat to our Democracy. BUT Obama blew it big time as party leader. He de emphasized down ballot elections in States all across the country. His low prioritization of party building at the grass roots is manifesting itself in voter suppression laws that are legally being passed by legitimately elected Republican state legislatures. For that, he deserves condemnation and publicized accountability for that failure. To the victor goes the spoils. Congress can step in with national voter rights laws but they probably wont. Too bad. If Dems cannot do that, perhaps we don't deserve the mantle of leadership. Where are you Americans for Reason and truth?