Wednesday, December 18, 2019
He Deserves It
He is a bad guy. A bully, a liar and a cheat. His whole life has been built on a narcissistic self promotion narrative and on the backs of others' misfortune. As President he has violated his oath to protect and defend the Constitution and no matter what his supporters say, he is just not worthy of the office he holds. He may not be removed by a feckless sycophantic Senate, but he deserves the historic rebuke that will be delivered by the peoples' House. Only 2 before him have suffered such a repudiation. He will go down in history as deserving of the pain and insult he will receive just like how he piles onto others. Merry Impeachment Donald. Wear the mantle of scorn with dishonor and shame. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Not a Close Call
I am far from a genius. I am no better than you. I do, however, understand our Constitution. I taught it, I went to school to learn about it up through and including graduate courses and I keep a copy of it at my disposal at all times. It is not a close call regarding trump's continuous violation of his oath to defend it. No matter what your political party affiliation is, take a breath, be honest, pretend it was Obama if you are a Republican, and clear your mind of spin. trump has refused to execute existing law. He has obstructed Congressional authority for spending. He has held aid back from an ally for political gain. He is colluding with jurors at a possible trial. He has set policy for personal financial gain. He has instructed people to defy subpoenas and he has obstructed an investigation into an enemy attack on our democracy. Not a close call. Where are you Americans for reason and truth? for a rally near you.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
There was a time
There was a time in America where bullying a child, making fun of a disabled person, lying, being a hateful, indecent piece of human trash, would be viewed as bad. No more. The New America. Welcome. Brown people not welcome. Education is not needed. Only wealth matters. Health Care is a privilege. Debate and compromise are gone. Indecency is our new motto. Hate your enemies. Ignore the law. Rip up the Constitution. Love Russia. Ignore truth. Yes folks, this is our country. What a shame. Where are you Americans for Reason and truth.
Go to and rally for how we used to be.