Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Still Not Enough?

What I don't get is that regardless of what this man does, the Republicans don't see him as an existential threat. One day he'll be gone and where will the party be? Left as the representatives of indecency, immorality, racism and injustice? Is that what they want? Imagine a KasichHaley2020 ticket where they ran on Conservatism and Decency. Wavering Republicans, angry and embarrassed would vote for that ticket. The party would be saved. And still, they won't. I hope they stick by this cancer they have enabled, this filthy inhuman indecent thug. Stick by him Republicans, I beg you. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Un Constitution Moscow Mitch Style

It is crystal clear in the Constitution that Congress legislates and the Executive enforces. It is also clear that a President does not ever have the final word on law. NEVER. Our past greatness has always come from debate, disagreement and compromise. According to "Moscow Mitch" McConnell, these rules and realities need not apply. It is profoundly incorrect to hold up legislating because of what a President thinks. For that reason, Congress has override authority. People are getting killed by guns at alarming levels and the most vociferous 2nd amendment advocates want this debate to be in the open and supportive of sensible measures. McConnell's refusal to move forward by using the excuse that the President won't support it, is not only a dereliction of duty, but an insult to the founding principles of our nation. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?