Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A very bad ,sick, evil man.

"He was impatient, overly aggressive, overly dramatic. He acted on impulse. He tended to sensationalize the evidence he had. He would neglect to do the important homework and consequently would, on occasion, make challengeable statements" Roy Cohn. This is the same Roy Cohn who was a lawyer to the trump family. In the quote just cited, most relatively smart people, might think he was describing our current President. He was not, but he could have been. Instead, he was describing one of the most indecent, lying, dishonest, hateful thugs in American politics, Joseph McCarthy who better than most, could use lies, fear and demagoguery to seize upon the hate in the hearts of the ignorant and use to his political advantage. He had no match, until now. Donald trump, our President, is a darkly disturbed, evil manipulator of the truth, an ignorant fear mongering narcissist that cares not a hoot for our country or its people, other than those who blindly support him. He gladly supports policies that separate children from their parents in the name of security. He supports and fawns over obvious dictators who have no restraint from a free press and no concern for human dignity. He blames every dangerous situation of his own creation on others. He gladly supports the taking away of health care in the name of personal hatred of his predecessor. He gladly supports shuttering our government just to hang on to a campaign promise neither needed nor truthfully expressed. I can go on with similarly evil and mean spirited examples but the point has been made. Donald trump is simply an evil, bad, sick and darkly disturbed man. We either hold him accountable for his criminality, his mean spiritedness his indecency, or we don't. If we don't, we cease being the beacon of hope for all who value freedom, we disgrace our founding principles and we dishonor ourselves. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

Sunday, November 4, 2018

What If?

On Tuesday, there will be millions of people who rely on Medicaid, pharmaceuticals, good roads, improved infrastructure, good schools, food assistance and healthcare that will willingly and actively support a political party that has vowed to reduce or take these benefits away from them and avoid spending money on needed improvements. This has been the case for a while, but this mid term election makes this stupidity even sadder and more dangerous than ever. These folks will vote for candidates that support massive tax benefits for the wealthy leaving very little for them. These are also people who are less educated and less informed than those who view things differently. In an effort to further solidify their loyalty, they are being scared to believe a massive invasion from the south, by darker skinned terrorists and lepers is coming to destroy their way of life. To these people I say, sorry for you. You are lost. To everyone else, you have witnessed a Presidency for the last two years that had doubled downed on racism, narcissism, lies, indecency and hate and many have stood by in the name of party loyalty. This Faustian bargain, however, has had an opposite effect in practice,for the many things that the Republicans told us they were about. Things like free trade, deficit control, family values, decency, stuff like that. These have been ignored. Very little of what traditionally comprised the Republican party has come to fruition and while this happened, we have been witness to one of the most corrupt, inhuman and indecent thugs ever to preside over our country. I wont continue. Instead, WHAT IF we honored the Constitution and put the desired checks and balances in place? What if we split government like in the past and reigned in this ignorant, narcissistic fool? WHAT IF we stopped our government from taking away healthcare, demonizing public education, cutting benefits to pay for the tax break for the wealthy and stopped the onslaught of lies and conspiracies? WHAT IF we returned to the values of decency, honor and truth? WHAT IF? We may actually feel better and begin to correct the mistakes of the past two years. Not if you sit on your ass we wont. VOTE BLUE. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

Saturday, October 27, 2018

An accessory to Crimes

In law, if you aid and abet a crime, you are considered an accessory and subject to punishment in accordance with the law. Donald trump did not march with neo nazis in Charlottesvile. Donald trump did not mail the pipe bombs to his political opponents and Donald trump did not shoot and kill 11 Jewish worshippers in Pittsburgh. Donald trump did not shoot and kill the journalists at a Baltimore newspaper. Donald trump did say there were good people on both sides in Charlottesville thus sending a not so subtle message to white extremists that their behavior is acceptable. Donald trump did tell his supporters that Hillary Clinton should be locked up. Donald trump did say George Soros, a Jew, is leading a "globalist" agenda, a loud and well known dog whistle of anti Semitism. Donald trump did call the press the enemy of the people and applauded the violent body slamming of a journalist by an elected Republican member of the House. Anyone who denies that his words and his actions are not emboldening and giving a loud voice of acceptance to extremist, violent lunatics, is hiding from the truth. This President, like no other, is aiding and abetting the hate, the violence, the bigotry and racism we are seeing currently. As such, he is an accessory to these horrific acts of terror. Perhaps we should "lock him up"? Vote Blue, regardless of your political loyalties. It is about our soul, about decency, acceptance, respect and truth. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Psychologists will say, anger is destructive. It serves to only induce stress and cause us to react irrationally. trump is an example of such irrationality with his angry mob tweets as he deflects toward Democrats. trump has used anger to describe women unfavorably, you know that angry bitch stereotype. trump uses anger to induce fear such as drug running illegals crossing our open borders. He uses anger to stoke the uneducated to hate his opponents and lies non stop with angry tweets, anger against Muslims, NATO, allies, Mueller and on an on and on. However, I disagree that anger is a bad emotion. In fact, anger induces action and can create change. On November 6th, we should get angry, we should act, we should vote. If you do not like that children are separated from their parents, get angry and act. If you don't like your health being politically used to hurt you, get angry and act. If you don't like seeing women disrespected and ignored, get angry and act. If you don't like that trump supports and loves dictators while mocking our allies, get angry and act. If you don't like the direction of the Republican party that explodes deficits with unpopular tax cuts for the wealthy and promises to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid blaming the elderly, the sick and the poor for such deficits, get angry and act. If you don't like the mocking of disabled people or those with darker skin, get angry and act. If you don't like corruption in our Cabinet or a political party that has forgotten its check and balance role, get angry and act. If you don't like the fact that a journalist can be hacked to death and your president does nothing about it other than support the murderers for some dollars, get angry and act. If you don't like lies about the economic issues facing the middle class, get angry and act. If you don't like America losing its prestige and influence around the world, get angry and act. If you don't like the fact that the president disrespects those who honor us at the Justice department and FBI and courts of law, protecting us against corruption, collusion and obstruction, get angry and act. If you think trump is an inhuman pig, deserving of all the contempt and hurt he so richly deserves, get angry and act. Anger can be good, it can be constructive, if used during desperate times. We are facing desperate times with a government that has chosen power over right, power over people and money over values. GET ANGRY, AND ACT. Vote Blue, Or Else. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

Monday, September 17, 2018

It was only High School...So what?

I am so sick and tired of those people who suggest that alleged sexual predatory behaviors in high school are just the raging hormones of young men acting out under the influence of alcohol. These idiots say, no big deal. Well it is a big deal. I am 64, retired, taught HS for years and I can tell you that groping women, forcing them to have sex against their will (rape) is neither normal nor epidemic. Most young men I know avoid such despicable and inappropriate behaviors. They know better, which makes those who do not, guilty of unacceptable actions that should not be easily forgotten or forgiven. I was in High school. I never considered violence or aggressiveness toward a young girl. I raised a son. He never considered such actions as normal. It is time to stand up against this cavalier approach to such behavior, real or alleged. These behaviors are abnormal, disgusting and outside the boundaries of adolescence and adulthood. If we succumb to such thoughts and normalize them on a long term basis, we will get more trumps and forget who we are as a human species. Brett Kavanaugh may be innocent, I doubt it, and he should be treated fairly on this matter, but Dr. Ford deserves to be heard and loud voices must condemn the prospect that this is or was normal adolescent high school behavior. IT IS NOT. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Not So Fast

If you despise trump, as I do, you might feel like gloating. This was by all accounts a bad week for him. Talk about the mid terms and the dimming prospects of continued Republican control may boost the spirits of those who believe that the absence of moral character, the dangerous unhinged nature of his narcissism, the lack of any intellectual capacity and the utter indecency that is pervasive in this man, but I say not so fast. I have seen this game played before. Talk about record turnout when it doesn't occur. Talk about an active youth movement, and it never happens. Confidence in your candidates and your ground game, with no real change. Confidence and then letdown, excuses, punditry, analysis and blame. If you look at reality, another conservative justice will be confirmed, the base of 35 percent will remain unwaveringly in trumps pocket. Republicans wont dare confront him regardless of new indictments and new information. After all, no one is surprised anymore. He is a mob boss, a thug, a bully and an idiot, but his party is in the majority and even decent Republicans feel he remains the vessel for them to continue their assault on anything that speaks of fairness and compassion. Earning the biggest prize of my contempt, is Susan Collins who remains a woman who pretends moderation and compromise, goes on TV and then caves every time. Even her ACA vote was based on a promise that never materialized and she stands by while trump erodes any prospects for expanded and better healthcare. So all of this is happening in the summer, when people aren't even watching. As we get closer to November trumpublicans will boast about another justice confirmed, point to the positive aspects of this fake economy and scare us about illegal immigrants and for all the talk of a trump meltdown, an existential threat to his Presidency and how the people will end this nightmare, Not so fast. Apathy remains the root of all evil in this country of ours. Millennials will likely stay home, uneducated white men will vote Republican. White woman while their wellness is stripped before them, will vote Republican. The wealthy will vote Republican and gerrymandering is still an advantage to Republicans. So before we get on our victory pedestals and say democracy works because the people do what's right, remember that we are a deeply flawed people, influenced by selfishness and ignorance. There is nothing I want more than a blue wave, a dismantling of this President and a return to decency, but I say to my fellow anti trumpers, Not so Fast. Where are you Americans for reason and truth.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Obstruction of Values

Much of the news, particularly followed by pundits and more aware citizens, is about the potential Obstruction of Justice charges that may be coming against Trump. This fervor of expectation is so troubling to the administration, that they have dispatched a totally unhinged Rudy, Devin and Hannity who do and say anything to try and soil Mueller and his investigation. The IG report today, does nothing other than support the reality that Comey hurt Hillary but Trumpers are using it to enhance their deep state fiction. I say stop. It isnt about Obstruction of Justice until and if there are charges. It is, daily, about Obstruction of Values. Where are our values? Where is our protection for children, our championing of human rights, our support for the right to vote, our condemnation of enemies and aggressive support for our friends, where is decency, honor, telling the truth and not saluting ruthless murderous dictators? As the Republican party continues to enable Trump without any regard for the true values of America, we are being embarrassed around the world and fed abject, dangerous lies. This is pure Obstruction of Values, not subject to legal proceedings, but only dealt with at the ballot box is what should concern us most. Where are you Americans for Reason and truth?

Monday, May 28, 2018


On this Memorial Day, normally a holiday to honor those who fought for freedom, regrettably we dishonor them with a President focused on his lies, his self absorption and his utter disregard for honor. This is a sad Memorial Day. God help us. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

Sunday, March 11, 2018

The Death of Decency

To be a decent person means that you care about others, many times before yourself. It means you tell the truth, not about whether you like someones' hair, but on matters of serious import. It means you avoid vulgarity and immoral behavior. It means you have empathy for others and a serious internal desire to help and to be compassionate. It means respecting others who look different, sound different and act different. It means being loyal to others, sticking by them regardless of disagreements they may have with you. It means committing to love, not being cavalier and non serious about relationships. I could go on for a while longer but what is the use? Decency is dying in America. We have annointed a man who in every manner of defining decency fails to live up to its meaning. As his continuous demonstration of habits and behaviors unbecoming to humanity and not representative of the America I know go unchecked, we fall deeper into the abyss of indecency, making it acceptable to be a Donald Trump. As we become less informed, more hypocritical and immune to truth, we become worse than many could have imagined. As leaders continue to put money and power ahead of what's right, we redefine a once great nation and enter an historic period from which we may never rebound. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

Monday, February 19, 2018

An Existential Threat

It is President's day today and many news programs are inviting historians on their stations to offer opinions and analysis on the best and worst Presidents. Almost to a person, because of the existential threats to America as a nation and a democracy, Lincoln, Washington, FDR and Truman seem to rise to the top of most lists, regardless of party or political slant. Mostly because the existence of America was at stake. For Truman and FDR it was fighting Fascism and insuring that freedom would be preserved against the mind boggling hate and imperialism of Hitler and Japan. For Washington, would the revolution be in vein, or would the United States survive as a nation? For Lincoln, would a united America be preserved? In all cases, these four men rose to the occasion, thus preserving our great nation and making it to the top of most analysts' lists as best among the 44 men (don't forget McKinley)to occupy the office. It is unfair to place Donald Trump on the list quite yet since his Presidency is still young, but based on their analysis thus far, Democrats, Independents and even Republicans rank him at the bottom. It isn't because of his human foibles, frailties and fecklessness, but because he is refusing to face an existential threat to our democracy and this, according to historian Michael Beschloss is "chilling". Our Congress thus far, has turned its back on this reality due to partisan loyalty and there is obviously still time to reign Trump in and face these threats, but if left to Trump, the institutions of American democracy may be destroyed for a very long time. Many around me suggest it is hyperbole and over reaction to think that such a thing could ever happen here, but, it is happening. Foreign powers can disrupt our electoral processes, nations around the world are fast losing respect for the United States, doors are being opened for autocracies and dictatorships and hate groups and terror groups both domestically and abroad are being emboldened by the absence of the usual credible global leadership of America and the tweets of one very sick and unstable man. This is no hyperbole. It is the truth. It is indeed an existential threat that we face. And so too, are we threatened by the guns. It is time to step up and address the issue and put the NRA where it belongs...with the hunters. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

Sunday, February 18, 2018

You decide

Treason" is defined in the Constitution as: Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. Russia is the enemy. Trump is adhering to them. He has certainly aided Putin and given him comfort. He has blamed this as a hoax and refuses to execute sanctions law. You decide. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Missing the point

Those of us that hate Trump are so caught up in the Bannon affair and collusion and his lying and his stupidity and his obsession with undoing Obama's regs and the size of his button etc., that we are missing the point. All of that, although important to us, pales in comparison to the real issue. This President has done what was almost unthinkable. He has made Kim Jung Un look statesmanlike, he has opened the door to China and Russia to fill the void being left behind by an absence of global leadership by the United States and has dangerously proven such incompetence in the job that we are all in more danger than is necessary. To add salt to this unbelievable situation, is the enabling of both leaders in Congress, lets call them RyConnell. They have added to this situation all the while knowing the truth....that the President is unfit. We must not miss the point. Where are you Americans for Reason and truth?