Saturday, October 27, 2018

An accessory to Crimes

In law, if you aid and abet a crime, you are considered an accessory and subject to punishment in accordance with the law. Donald trump did not march with neo nazis in Charlottesvile. Donald trump did not mail the pipe bombs to his political opponents and Donald trump did not shoot and kill 11 Jewish worshippers in Pittsburgh. Donald trump did not shoot and kill the journalists at a Baltimore newspaper. Donald trump did say there were good people on both sides in Charlottesville thus sending a not so subtle message to white extremists that their behavior is acceptable. Donald trump did tell his supporters that Hillary Clinton should be locked up. Donald trump did say George Soros, a Jew, is leading a "globalist" agenda, a loud and well known dog whistle of anti Semitism. Donald trump did call the press the enemy of the people and applauded the violent body slamming of a journalist by an elected Republican member of the House. Anyone who denies that his words and his actions are not emboldening and giving a loud voice of acceptance to extremist, violent lunatics, is hiding from the truth. This President, like no other, is aiding and abetting the hate, the violence, the bigotry and racism we are seeing currently. As such, he is an accessory to these horrific acts of terror. Perhaps we should "lock him up"? Vote Blue, regardless of your political loyalties. It is about our soul, about decency, acceptance, respect and truth. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Psychologists will say, anger is destructive. It serves to only induce stress and cause us to react irrationally. trump is an example of such irrationality with his angry mob tweets as he deflects toward Democrats. trump has used anger to describe women unfavorably, you know that angry bitch stereotype. trump uses anger to induce fear such as drug running illegals crossing our open borders. He uses anger to stoke the uneducated to hate his opponents and lies non stop with angry tweets, anger against Muslims, NATO, allies, Mueller and on an on and on. However, I disagree that anger is a bad emotion. In fact, anger induces action and can create change. On November 6th, we should get angry, we should act, we should vote. If you do not like that children are separated from their parents, get angry and act. If you don't like your health being politically used to hurt you, get angry and act. If you don't like seeing women disrespected and ignored, get angry and act. If you don't like that trump supports and loves dictators while mocking our allies, get angry and act. If you don't like the direction of the Republican party that explodes deficits with unpopular tax cuts for the wealthy and promises to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid blaming the elderly, the sick and the poor for such deficits, get angry and act. If you don't like the mocking of disabled people or those with darker skin, get angry and act. If you don't like corruption in our Cabinet or a political party that has forgotten its check and balance role, get angry and act. If you don't like the fact that a journalist can be hacked to death and your president does nothing about it other than support the murderers for some dollars, get angry and act. If you don't like lies about the economic issues facing the middle class, get angry and act. If you don't like America losing its prestige and influence around the world, get angry and act. If you don't like the fact that the president disrespects those who honor us at the Justice department and FBI and courts of law, protecting us against corruption, collusion and obstruction, get angry and act. If you think trump is an inhuman pig, deserving of all the contempt and hurt he so richly deserves, get angry and act. Anger can be good, it can be constructive, if used during desperate times. We are facing desperate times with a government that has chosen power over right, power over people and money over values. GET ANGRY, AND ACT. Vote Blue, Or Else. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?